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Where Northeast of Club Penguin Island.
Opened March 29, 2006
Closed Still open.
Mini-Games Aqua Grabber
ID 805
Tour Description
"Here we are on the Iceberg. It might not look like much... but it's a jackhammering hot spot! You can also dive for treasure... in the Aqua Grabber!"
Not to be confused with the Beta Team game called Icebergs.

The Iceberg is a secret room that can be accessed from the Map, Jet Pack Adventure and the EPF Spy Phone. Although it is a secret room, it is very popular among penguins and is heavily advertised through the Penguin Times. This Iceberg doesn't move at all, unlike other Icebergs.

Tipping the Iceberg

A long time CP myth is attempting to tip the Iceberg and during the last party of Club Penguin, the Waddle On Party, it became a reality. The following are references.

  • A real surge of attempted tipping of the Iceberg began after a comic in the Penguin Times showed two bored penguins who tried to tip the Iceberg and succeeded. In another edition of the same newspaper, Aunt Arctic answered whether the Iceberg had ever been tipped. She said that she had never seen the feat, and that there probably will be no reward for it, proclaiming, “Tipping the Iceberg is a reward enough!”. Also, in Issue #151 of the Penguin Times, she replied to a penguin that she did not know, but if they saw people trying to tip it to try and see for themselves.
  • There is a story about tipping the Iceberg in the Book Room.
  • In the Secret Agent Mission 6, Herbert P. Bear explains that the Iceberg he was traveling on tipped at one point. When the player asks how he managed to tip it, he replies, “I don’t know! Icebergs aren’t supposed to tip!”, indicating that the Iceberg could be tipped, but isn’t supposed to do so.
  • A running gag in the PSA Missions has Klutzy and Herbert constantly bickering about the Iceberg and its tipping. Klutzy even mentions penguins tipping the Iceberg in Mission 9.
  • Tipping the Iceberg was featured as a Card Jitsu card.
  • In the book “Star Reporter”, one of your choices is to write an article about a party at the Iceberg. After you get there, a penguin says there was a picture of the Iceberg tipped. When you go looking for it, the photo ends up being destroyed.
  • During the April Fool’s Party 2010, the Spinning Arrow Room (The Mine) said, “Did the Iceberg seem tippier than usual?”
  • There is a postcard with the text “Let’s try to tip the Iceberg”
  • Club Penguin has made a puzzle about tipping the Iceberg.
  • The myth is not only about tipping the Iceberg, but it was also believed that there was something beneath it as seen in the Club Penguin News #325 January 12, 2012 in the section "Ask Aunt Arctic".
  • In the video Club Penguin: Behind the Scenes 2011 when Lane Merrifield was opening the “Secrets” folder, we could see many classified informations written backwards including " UNDER_THE_ICEBERG" proving that there IS something under the Iceberg and the Club Penguin Team has a file just about it.
  • During the Prehistoric Party 2013 it was revealed that what is under the Iceberg is a Prehistoric Shark and that's the truth about the Iceberg[1].
  • The episode 3 of #WaddleOn contains a sketch about tipping the Iceberg.
  • When 30 Penguins will try to tip the Iceberg by drilling, they will receive Berg Drill! stamp
  • During the Waddle On Party you can tip the Iceberg by having a lot of penguins drilling on the left side of it.

The Block of Ice

A real world iceberg that bears a striking resemblance to Club Penguin's version. This particular iceberg was sited off the coast of Antarctica, which is the main location of Club Penguin.

On December 28, 2007, there were sightings of small blocks of ice when fans of Rockhopper looked through the telescope at the Beacon. A small block of ice collided with the Migrator, and the ship sank. Rockhopper and Yarr escaped unharmed, and rowed to the shore. After a brief stay, Rockhopper made the decision to row back to Rockhopper Island in a minuscule rowboat. The Migrator was salvaged and eventually reinstalled at its normal docking point on the Beach.


Pin Pin name Available from Available until
26 Ice Block pin February 16, 2007 March 2, 2007
84 O-Berry pin February 27, 2009 March 13, 2009
110 Puffer Fish pin January 15, 2010 January 29, 2010
125 Seashell pin June 3, 2010 June 17, 2010
139 Water pin November 18, 2010 December 3, 2010
167 Gold Anchor Pin July 13, 2011 July 27, 2011
192 Conch Shell pin January 11, 2012 January 26, 2012
215 Fruit Combo pin August 22, 2012 September 5, 2012
246 One Eyed Puffle Pin June 26, 2013 July 11, 2013

Aqua Grabber

See main article, Aqua Grabber.

Aqua Grabber is a mini-game that can be played at the Iceberg.




Tipping the Iceberg



  • On New Year's Day 2007, players could walk in the sky and in the water around the Iceberg. This was fixed in the middle of the day.
  • The Puffle Party 2012 iceberg music was playing on May 24, 2012.


  • One of the 101 Days of Fun activities was to try to tip the Iceberg.
  • On the map, the Iceberg is right of Club Penguin, but on the Iceberg, it is left of it.
  • In a Club Penguin Times edition, Aunt Arctic suggests that the Iceberg is attached to Club Penguin Island. Supposedly, that's why it has never moved.
    • However, the entire island was above-water during the Festival of Flight, so this statement is untrue.
  • On the map the iceberg is facing north but form the iceberg it's facing west.
    • It's an optical illusion, so it's not true.
  • According to a Brazilian kids' magazine, Herbert will soon attack the iceberg for unknown reasons. [citation needed]
  • On an unreleased Card-Jitsu card, it says that the Golden Puffle is possibly under under the iceberg. [citation needed]
    • On a video Happy77 made there was a backwards text and if read normally it'd say "Under the Berg".
  • At the Prehistoric Party it was finally revealed what makes the shape of the Iceberg: a saber-toothed shark which was frozen sometime in the Stone Age.
  • On the map, the iceberg appears to be closer to the island than it actually is.

Names in other languages

Language Name
Portuguese Icebergue
French Iceberg
Spanish Iceberg
German Eisberg
Russian Айсберг


See also

Sources and References