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The Map icon.

The Map is an object in Club Penguin that can be used to teleport to various places on Club Penguin Island. It can be accessed by clicking on the map icon near the bottom left corner of your screen. This was the only way to explore all areas of Club Penguin before the release of the EPF Spy Phone (and formerly the Spy Phone). The map witnessed a graphical update in 2008 after the Dojo was remodeled. If a player tries to enter a full room, the map is automatically opened. Some of the rooms cannot be accessed via the map, such as the Underground rooms, Dojo's, etc.

If you click on a catalog/game/pet, an arrow will be pointing to where you need to go to access the desired feature.


Beta Locations

Hidden Places

Some rooms do not have a subtitle when hovering over them, which means they are hidden. You can access hidden rooms by clicking on the area it is located in. You can also know if you are hovering over a secret room if your cursor turns into a hand. The Iceberg is currently the only room hidden at this moment in time; the Mine Shack and the Dojo were also hidden rooms at one point.



  • The map experiences seasonal changes when the Soccer Stadium and Ice Rink switch out.
  • The map was decorated for the first time during the Holiday Party 2009. The second time happened in Halloween Party 2010, and the third at the Holiday Party 2012.
  • In 2013 was the first time that map include the party decorations.
  • On January 15th, 2014, the map was updated to have a shortcut to your igloo.
  • The map is not updated when the rooms are renovated leaving the old room exterior design.

See also