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Dancing Penguin

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Why do things keep breaking for me?
— Dancing Penguin
Dancing Penguin
Full Name Dancing Penguin
Species Penguin
Position Secret Mission Subplot or Side-Mission
Appeared Secret Missions
Color Brown
Clothing Black Glasses(The Veggie Villain only)
Related To Unknown
Friends With Dot the Disguise Gal, two unnamed penguins and possibly the Keeper of the Boiler Room
Meetable Character? No

Dancing Penguin is a cheerful brown penguin. He likes to dance (hence his name) and ride on the Ski Lift and owns a portable telescope. He appears in most Secret Missions and he gives players a thank-you card at the end of Mission 3, as an optional reward. The main reason in why he usually appears in Secret Missions is usually as a "side-mission" or "subplot", like having to fix his telescope or unjam the Ski Lift. As of the mission called The Veggie Villain, he needs glasses to see. He appears in Episode 3 of the 2nd season of Waddle On!, where he cries about the disappearance of the big Orange Puffle. He is played by L8tr Skater.

Involvement in Missions

  • Mission 1 - His telescope breaks and he cries. His telescope then gets fixed by the Player.
  • Mission 3 - He cries and tells the player that the power in the Dance Club has gone out.
  • Mission 4 - He cries because he wants to ride the Ski Lift, but it's broken.
  • Mission 7 - At the Ski Village, his snowman breaks and he cries about it. Another penguin then tells him that the best snow in Club Penguin is at the Snow Forts.
  • Mission 11 - He breaks his glasses when he sits on them and cries about it, and when the player fixes them he says he will tell all of his friends about you. After completing the mission, Dot the Disguise Gal sends you a present saying you helped one of her friends.

Interestingly, he cries in every mission he appears in, and it's because of something that broke. He mentions this in Mission 7.

Involvement in Nintendo DS missions

  • Alien Conspiracy - He asks you to help him decode several messages written in the snow. He later reveals that this was a test and he was watching you.


See also