Thin Ice is a game that is in the Dance Lounge and is styled around a classic arcade game. The aim of the game is that the player must steer a black puffle that is on fire (probably by the effects of O-Berries) through a maze covered in ice, melting as many ice squares as they possibly can along the way - while collecting items such as coin bags to earn additional coins. There are no lives, and levels can be passed without completing them. There are 18 levels in total. At the end, the puffle either smiles, is unhappy, or angry depending on how well you did in the game.
Thin Ice is one of the games upgraded with the release of stamps. Members can play the full game, whilst non-members can only play the first ten levels. If a player has all the stamps about Thin Ice, they will get double the coins they win in the game (scoring the equivalent of 200 coins will give the player 400 coins).
During the 2008 April Fool's Party, both Thin Ice and Astro Barrier were shut down and replaced with a new game, Thinicetrobarrier. At the end of the party, the game was removed.
Unlike Astro Barrier, you can "reset" the game and not lose a life.
You will be able to melt 900 tiles in 12 levels.
There is a game on the Intellivision called Thin Ice with a similar goal.