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Yum Yum Yuck Yuck

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Yum Yum Yuck Yuck

The game play of Yum Yum Yuck Yuck
Players 1
Minigame Location N/A
Date released July 19, 2011
Stamps awarded No

Yum Yum Yuck Yuck was a single player game only found on Beta Team. In this game you were a pink puffle. In order to win, you needed to make the arrow go to “Yum” by eating O-Berries. Eating a thistle would make the arrow go towards “Yuck”. It was removed from Beta Team in October 2011 and came back in December 2011.


  • If the Thistles/O-Berries stopped bouncing for too long, they would eventually disappear.
  • There was a bug in the game. If the pink puffle ate a Puffle O, she would have three eyes. The extra eye would then disappear.
