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Defeat Stormtroopers

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Defeat Stormtroopers

Defeat Stormtroopers gameplay
Players 1
Minigame Location Tatooine
Date released July 24, 2013
Stamps awarded No

Defeat Stormtroopers is an exclusive mini-game at the Star Wars Takeover. The goal is to shoot the stormtroopers ahead and then eliminate the leader, to complete each level and earn free items.


Image Item How to Win? Members only?
Stormtrooper Helmet After the victory in level 1 No
Stormtrooper Costume After the victory in level 2 Yes
Sandtrooper Pauldrons After the victory in level 3 Yes


The mini-game begins with selecting the game level, every level has a different difficulty and offers the player a reward every time is exceeded. In the three existing levels, the objective of the game is to shoot snowballs at stormtroopers, taking care not to be hit by snowballs or bombs of the enemy. For this, there are two boxes on the player side serving as shields - when they are hit by a large number of snowballs, they will be destroyed, but are repaired by a R2-D2 purple puffle from time to time. The stormtroopers are located in front of the player, and may be further, making it harder to hit them. If the player is hit, either by a snowball or bomb, he ends up surrendering and the mini-game ends. At the end of each level, a stormtrooper leader appears with an longer energy bar. He can shoot bombs to the boxes and snowballs more quickly. When the leader is destroyed, the level is completed and the player receives his reward, being able to proceed to the next level.


Enemy type Points
Close range enemy 10
Middle range enemy 20
Long range enemy 30
Boss (Level 1) 100
Boss (Level 2) 200
Boss (Level 3) 300


Names in other languages

Language Name
Portuguese Derrotar Stormtroopers
French Combattre les Stormtroopers
Spanish Derrotar Soldados imperiales
German Besiege die Sturmtruppler
Russian N/A