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Infiltrate the Death Star

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Infiltrate the Death Star

Infiltrate the Death Star level A
Players 1
Minigame Location Death Star
Date released August 1, 2013
Stamps awarded No

Infiltrate the Death Star is a mini-game at the Star Wars Takeover. All players are able to play it starting August 1. It is exactly the same as Ice Jam and Unlock. The goal is to infiltrate the Death Star and steal Darth Herbert's secret plans.


Image Item How to win? Members only?
Rebel Reward Pin Complete level A
Rebel Helmet Complete level C
Death Star Plans background Complete level E
Rebel Boots Complete level B
Rebel Costume Complete level C


This mini-game is similar to what was released during Operation: Blackout, when Herbert put into practice one of his most failproof plans. The level A begins when the player reaches the Bridge (Star Wars Takeover) and clicks on the security terminal at his side. He is directed to a message from Cadence, which acts as Princess Leia, telling him to infiltrate the Death Star and discover the secret plans of Herbert. The gameplay consists of moving the blocks until they open the way for the passkey. When the player completes the level A, he gets a reward and follows the level B in elevators. Each level promotes a different difficulty and reward, but all come with an amount of coins the player. Level C and D that happen in Trash Compactor and Tractor Beam have the same gameplay. After finishing level C, Cadence appears congratulating progress. The last level occurs in the Detention Block and that's where the player has the chance to get access to secret plans of Herbert. When it's finished, the Death Star is already infiltrated.

Names in other languages

Language Name
Portuguese Infiltrar a Estrela da Morte
French Infiltre l'Étoile Noire
Spanish Ir a la Estrella de la Muerte
German In den Todesstern eindringen
Russian N/A