Ice Fishing is a game played outside the Ski Lodge, accessed by clicking on the door that says "Go Fishing" or My Penguin app. The objective of the game is to catch as many fish as possible before the game ends. The penguin (which is your player) fishes through a hole in the ice. Underneath the hole lie fish, but also other potentially dangerous obstacles such as crabs, jellyfish and sharks. The maximum number of yellow fish the player can catch is about 68. The player starts out with 3 worms for bait and can catch bonus bait throughout the game. The player can catch Grey Fish if you have the Flashing Lure Fishing Rod, but they are harder to catch. Since April 27, 2011, you can earn stamps for the game.
Pink Puffles with a mask and snorkel swim past occasionally with a banner. The banner often warns the player of something to come. The reason it is a pink one is because pink Puffles can swim very well.
The mullet is the big, red, fish at the end of the game. You can see a stuffed version of it hanging on the wall in the Ski Lodge. You can catch it by getting a smaller fish and when it goes across the screen have the fish. It will try to eat it. You will get a 100 coin bonus if it is caught.
Grey Fish are another version of the Yellow fish. They can only be caught by members with the Flashing Lure Fishing Rod, which is bought via Game Upgrades. The player must be wearing it when they enter the game. They aren't very easy to catch, because they quickly dart away from the bait. As a result, they are worth twice as many coins as yellow fish.
At the last part of the game, there will be a giant red fish. It is the mullet. Use a yellow fish or a grey fish as bait for the mullet to lure it. Then, you will earn 100 coins as a reward for catching it.
If you buy a Flashing Lure Fishing Rod from the Game Upgrades catalog and then play Ice Fishing wearing it, you will see that you are catching gray fish in addition to yellow fish. Each gray fish will get you double the amount of coins than a yellow fish will, also, there will be more yellow fish when the mullet is coming.
Near the first part of the game, you should try catching the Grey Fish instead of the yellow fish, but you will have to wait for the fish to swim by. If you are near the end, try waiting for a while. If you think the Grey Fish will not swim by, just catch the yellow fish and the mullet.
To catch a grey fish easily, you should place the worm on the opposite side of where the fish is swimming. For example, if the fish is swimming down, place the worm up, and the fish has been programmed to move to the opposite side.
The maximum number of fish a player can catch on the Club Penguin app is 60. Once this is achieved, the game is over.