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Player Card
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Player Cards are the personal profiles that each penguin "owns". These can be accessed by simply clicking on the player's penguin avatar. If a player is a member, they will have a membership badge in the upper left hand corner of their player card. For this badge, it looks different depending on how long you've been a member. The levels are just a badge, a badge with one stripe, with two and three and then a badge with three stripes and a star as the highest level. The actual appearance of the card has changed. If an item fails to load, an X appears in that slot. When an item is put on, it fades onto the card, instead of suddenly appearing.

Each player card has an enlarged image of the player's penguin. Player cards can also have backgrounds, clothes and pins/flags. From here, you can ask them to be your buddy, or remove them from your buddy list; if they are your buddy, find them or visit their Igloo; send them a post card; add/remove them to/from your Ignore list or report them to a Moderator. You can also look at his/her stamp book from there.
Player card Categories
The CPIP project changed the Player Card into a new design so that you can find things easily and was sorted into Head Items, Face Items, Neck Items, Body Items, Hand Items, Feet Items, Colors and Other Items. In Other Items, three more categories that come up are Pins/Flags, Awards, and Backgrounds.
In August 2011, a preview of a possible Player Card was posted on the Beta Team website. The new Player Card penguin has a smile on it, unlike the ones now.
Penguins Player cards
The old player card before the release of stamps (note the Spy Phone).
The current player card (note the stamps).
A non-member player card.
A member player card.
The possible new penguin pose for the player card.
Famous Penguin Player cards
Rockhopper's old player card.
Rockhopper's player card while walking Yarr.
Rockhopper's new player card.
Gary the Gadget Guy's old player card.
Gary's new player card for the Halloween Party 2011.
Gary's new player card for the Halloween Party 2012.
Gary's new player card for the Prehistoric Party.
Stompin' Bob's old player card.
G Billy's old player card.
Petey K's old player card.
Franky's old player card.
Stompin' Bob's new player card.
G Billy's new player card.
Petey K's new player card.
Franky's new player card.
Cadence's player card.
Aunt Arctic's player card.
Sensei's player card.
Sensei's new player card during November 2009.
Sensei's new player card since November 24, 2010.
Rookie's player card.
PH's old player card.
PH's player card.
CeCe's player card.
Rocky's player card.
Herbert's player card.
A moderator's view of a player card (no longer available).
See also