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The old appearance of a banned forever notice

Banning is the main punishment in Club Penguin for breaking rules. When a penguin does an offensive crime, like hacking or swearing, the banned ID appears at the user. The time of a ban ranges from 24 hours to permanent. When a player with an inappropriate name is banned, they are given a new name consisting of numbers of eight to nine digits, e.g., "P12845434." The number is based on the ID of the player's penguin.

If players want to create a new penguin on the same email address, and if you made a penguin that is banned on that same email address, it will not let you create a new penguin until the other penguin's ban is done (it is impossible if you are banned forever).

Penguins who were secret agents would no longer be one if they got banned, but this only happened for a few years.

Ban durations

A penguin banned forever

The first offense for inappropriate language usually results in an automatic warning. Further offenses would result in a ban.

  • 24 Hours: If players say impolite or rude words.
    A penguin banned for 24 hours
  • 48 Hours: If players say more than one rude or impolite word.[citation needed]
  • 72 Hours: If players are cheating or hacking.
  • Forever: For serious occasions, or if being banned more than three times previously.


Players can help in the banning of rule breakers by reporting them to the moderators, but if the player suspected has not broken the rules, they will not be punished. If this was used on purpose, the player who falsely reported someone can also be banned in very rare instances when a moderator sees them report an innocent penguin for fun.


  • If a penguin is banned forever, his/her username can't be reused.
  • If you get kicked off the server, you can't log off and re-enter the same server.

See also