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A Server is an individual but identical version of Club Penguin Island designed to allow thousands of penguins to play Club Penguin without any technical problems caused by a surplus of penguins. The maximum number of penguins that can play on one server at the same time is 360 penguins.
List of Servers
- See main article, List of servers
Old order of the servers
* represents Ultimate Safe Chat servers.
United States
United Kingdom (And Europe)
Oceania (and Asia & Australia)
- Moderator Server[1]
Server Selection
Server Selection was added to Club Penguin on July 16, 2008. It shows penguins their top recommended servers. The first server listed the server that was last used by the penguin on that computer. The rest may be, recently used servers or servers with buddies logged on.
Members get more room on servers than Non-members.
Population Bars
The population of a server is indicated by 1-5 green bars. The definition of the bars are statistically explained here:
- 1 Bar: 0-60 penguins (Least populated. Not recommended unless having an extremely low speed connection or by playing yourself)
- 2 Bars: 60-120 penguins (Not recommended unless having a low speed connection or playing yourself.)
- 3 Bars: 120-180 penguins (Recommended.)
- 4 Bars: 180-240 penguins (Perfect.)
- 5 Bars: 240-360 penguins (Moderately recommended, unless in a party. Famous penguins are mostly in these servers.)
- Full: 360 penguins (Refresh page until it is available or choose another server.)
To browse through other servers, players should click on the message that says "More Servers Click Here" (located on the bottom right corner).
- Without the 360 penguins per server limit, it would be possible to have 3400 penguins online at the same time (when the Migrator is docked) or 3100 at a party or 3000 at any time (per server).
- Icebox used to be a secret moderator test server, until cheaters found it. The cheaters could do anything they want to Club Penguin. The server was later made available to public, and was no longer a test server.
- The German version of Club Penguin has 12 servers.
- Below Zero used to be a five to full server until approximately 2012 - 2013, it soon became a 1 bar server.
- There was a glitch that when you tried to go on the server Blizzard, you would get stuck forever loading.
- On February 19, 2010, when Club Penguin updated some servers when you logged into them some penguins lost all their items, puffles, and anything else. This glitch has been fixed and every penguin has their items back.
- Many popular servers such as Blizzard and Avalanche used to show only 1 bar, but they were actually full.