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3D Glasses

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3D Glasses
Available Yes
Type Face Item
Member item Yes
Party None
Cost 50 coins (originally 70)
Where found Penguin Style
Puffle Digging
Item ID(s) 103

The 3D Glasses or Three Dimensional Glasses are a pair face items in Club Penguin. They cost 50 coins in the Penguin Style catalog, and only members can buy this item. They can also be purchased in Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force. A similar item is the Gold D Glasses.


The 3D Glasses first appeared in October 2005, costing 70 coins. In July 2007 the price was lowered to 50 coins. It was one of the most sought items of all until July 2010 where it returned as a hidden item in the Penguin Style catalog. It used to be uncommon until puffle digging came out.

Where Available from Available until
Penguin Style
August 22, 2015 April 7, 2006
February 2, 2007 September 7, 2007
July 2, 2010 December 3, 2010
August 5, 2015 March 29, 2017
Puffle Digging June 11, 2013 March 29, 2017



  • When dancing, the colors of the lenses would switch sides. Surprisingly, this was never fixed. It still happens today.


Names in other languages

Language Name
Portuguese Óculos 3D
French La Pair de Lunettes 3D
Spanish Gafas 3D
German 3D-Brille
Russian 3D-очки