1 + a puffle
Minigame Location
Any room except igloos
Date released
June 20, 2013
Stamps awarded
Puffle Digging is a feature in Club Penguin that lets your Puffle dig for coins all around the island. Each puffle digs differently, and each time you dig, you will receive a different amount of coins at random. You can also earn stamps by completing certain tasks. Starting July 11, members are able to dig for rare items.[1]
The info about puffle dig was first released on a What's New Blog post here .
June 20, 2013
Feature release; coins can be dug
July 11, 2013
Rare items can be dug
August 15, 2013
Favorite Puffle foods can be dug
November 14, 2013
Gold Puffle super-rare items can be dug
January 23, 2014
Dino Puffles can dig up exclusive items
April 17, 2014
Blue Border Collie and Orange Tabby Cat can dig up exclusive hoodies
Puffles Actions
Blue Puffle
Digs a hole in the snow and throw the treasure out, before hopping back up.
Red Puffle
Jumps a few times,then it dives straight into the ground, creating a hole. It comes back up from the ground with treasure.
Black Puffle
Jumps and makes a huge crack in the ground, which will open up and shoot out the treasure.
Purple Puffle
Turns itself into a small tornado that opens a hole in the ground, then the treasure will pop out from the ground.
Pink Puffle
Jumps once, creating a hole in the ground, where the treasure will burst out into the air and drop down to you.
Green Puffle
Digs into the ground using its propeller. It will then throw the treasure up from the hole.
Yellow Puffle
Paints a hole in the ground with its paintbrush, and the treasure will pop up out of the ground.
Brown Puffle
Blasts a hole in the ground using its laser blaster, and the treasure will shoot up from the ground.
White Puffle
Takes a deep breath and blows a dent in the ground, which will crack slightly, and the treasure will shoot up from a smaller hole inside.
Orange Puffle
Licks a hole in the ground, where the treasure will pop out.
Rainbow Puffle
Farts away snow, revealing a hole in the ground. The treasure will then float out.
Gold Puffle
Pickaxes a hole in the ground, throwing dynamite into it. The dynamite explodes, revealing treasure.
Dino Puffle
A volcano appears with a treasure chest made out of bone on the lava geyser. The volcano disappears and the bones break off of the treasure chest with treasure inside.
Blue Border Collie
Sniffs around the treasure, then spins around the treasure until it is dug out.
Orange Tabby Cat
Crouches and growls at where the treasure is, then pounces and digs up the treasure.
Snowman Puffle
A carrot appears in a mound of snow. It will try to take it by mouth and the treasure will appear.
Ghost Puffle
Enters the ground and when it goes up, a hole appears with the treasure chest.
Puffle Creatures from Puffle Wild
Creates light, the light then strikes the ground and the treasure appears.
Big Dig stamp
Find over 50 coins in a puffle dig.
Treasure Box stamp (members only)
Find an item in a puffle treasure dig.
List of Available Items to Dig
Gold Puffle items
Dino Puffle items
Gold Puffle furniture
Dino Puffle furniture
Puffle Food