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The Migrator docking at the Beach in We Wish You a Merry Walrus
Owner Captain Rockhopper
Builder Captain Rockhopper
Launched March 8, 2005
Status Sailing
Flag Jolly Roger
Rear of the Migrator
Not to be confused with the Pirate Ship, the room located on the upper deck of the Migrator.

The Migrator is the ship owned and used by famous pirate Captain Rockhopper. He sails back to Club Penguin intermittently with cargo for penguins to buy. It is the oldest and the largest ship seen from Club Penguin. Even though it is technically a pirate ship (being the ship of a pirate captain), it seems like it is used more for exploring uncharted territory and finding new things outside of Club Penguin Island.


The Migrator consists of multiple rooms:


  • Rockhopper's ship is named after the term "migration", which means to move to a different place to live for a while, as in: A bird flies south for the winter.


Diagram of the Migrator (2007)


The Migrator, like any ship operated under piracy, is designed to prioritize speed over comfort. By a strictly nautical viewpoint, she is a clipper ship capable of traveling at speeds up to 22 knots (that is, 41 kilometers per hour, or 25 miles per hour).


As per safety requirements, the Migrator carries a lifeboat to be used in the event of emergency evacuation. This lifeboat was used to evacuate Rockhopper and Yarr during the Migrator's shipwreck in 2008. However, it should be noted that, in the Ship Hold, the Lifeboat is behind two large barrels of Cream Soda. It is apparent that the only way to retrieve the lifeboat would be to move the barrels, making it difficult to escape on the lifeboat in time.

During Rockhopper's Quest, the ship was temporarily outfitted with a steel hull and steel rails to prevent the wood exterior from getting damage when it docked at Shipwreck Island in poor visibility at night.


Like any 18th century sailing vessel, the original Migrator was equipped with a hugely powerful burlap sail, which could be adjusted by a complex mechanism of ropes and pulleys. It also used one massive, square sail, while real clipper ships operate under at least a dozen smaller mini-sails. This is yet another example of Rockhopper's nautical prowess, as the single sail can accelerate the Migrator at unheard of speeds. Unfortunately, the disadvantage of an oversize sail is the difficult time it takes to roll up and unfurl it. This was proven during the storm during late 2006, in which the Migrator's sail was ripped to shreds, not to mention the entire frame of the ship being severely battered.

In the current Migrator, the ship has three masts to help with speed due to its larger size.


The Migrator has always retained the style of a classic pirate ship with minimal technology, giving an adventurous appeal to the ship.

Original Migrator

Though the Migrator was designed for speed, a wooden puffle carving is included on the bow of the ship resembling a smiling puffle. It resembled a frightened puffle when the Migrator was returning from a storm during late 2006 due to damages, though the smiling puffle returned after repairs. The Migrator also has a Jolly Roger flag at the Crow's Nest, a common pirate ship identifier.

Also, the Migrator would always get a partial green repaint for Christmas/Holiday Parties.

Current Migrator

In addition to having most of the original Migrator features reintroduced into the rebuilt ship, a carving of a puffle between two fish was added on the rear of the ship, replacing where the "Migrator" lettering was. Also, the bowsprit was set at a higher angle in the rebuilt ship.

Original Migrator history

A lot of early history about the Migrator and its voyages are taken directly from The Journal of Captain Rockhopper. It was the journal that Rockhopper wrote about his travels in until 2008.

Construction and Launch

It was all I could do to keep the Migrator from sinkin'!

—Rockhopper, Captain Rockhopper's journal; March 17, 2005

Rockhopper had spent months in early 2005 and possibly late 2004 building a ship from scratch that stood up to his requirements for going into uncharted seas. He finally finished construction of his ship on March 7th, 2005 and named it the "Migrator". A farewell party was held for him on March 8th, after which he sailed off of Club Penguin Island on the new boat in search of adventure.

Shortly after the new ship was launched, it was almost destroyed just as easily. On approximately March 14th, 2005 storm clouds rolled in from the Northeast. According to Rockhopper's description from his journal, it likely matched, or even surpassed the conditions of the October 2008 thunderstorm. Rockhopper managed to keep the ship from sustaining too much damage, but all of his supplies were washed overboard causing him to turn around for Club Penguin Island earlier than he had anticipated. The storm ceased sometime before March 29th, 2005.

First Discoveries

While looking for Club Penguin Island to get supplies, Rockhopper brought the Migrator to its first land other than Club Penguin Island - a small, tropical island with an abundance of fresh water to drink and fruit to eat. On April 5th, after one day of packing supplies, the ship set sail again on Rockhopper's mission to find Club Penguin. The cargo hold on the Migrator started to appear very useful to Rockhopper during the time of his first discoveries, as it had enough room to store supplies, as well as a chest full of Gold Wristwatches, a crate full of Blue Snorkels, and the many other treasures he found later on. The Migrator once again docked on the tropical island on May 27th, and Rockhopper decided to name it "Rockhopper Island" since it had no other penguin inhabitants.


Yarr and I have had a very good year. We have found a dozen other islands, and trunks of treasure, enough to fill the entire ship.

—Rockhopper, Captain Rockhopper's journal; August 2, 2006

Not a lot is known about the time period from June 2005 until August 2006 because Rockhopper had misplaced his journal in the Captain's Quarters.

Over the course of this period, Rockhopper and his Red Puffle companion Yarr used the Migrator to sail to more than a dozen new islands. In addition, the Migrator's cargo hold wasn't enough room to store all of their treasure. So, sometime before December 2005, Rockhopper decided to make a volcanic cave on Rockhopper Island into a storage area for the treasure he and Yarr find during their travels. The Migrator seems to make the trip into the cave quite easily, despite its rocky and dangerous nature.

Return to Club Penguin

My wily skills are going to put to the test as I'm going to land the great Migrator aground at the beach.

—Rockhopper, Captain Rockhopper's journal; October 12, 2006

On September 25th Yarr spotted Club Penguin Island through his telescope. Rockhopper set a straight course for the island, and on October 13th, 2006, the Migrator was docked on Club Penguin for the first time in over a year. However, it was docked at the Beach because another boat was parked at the Dock. This marked the first time players in Club Penguin could go aboard the Migrator (while it was docked). He sailed away from Club Penguin a few days later - and this was when Rockhopper figured out that it takes about two months to make a round trip from Club Penguin, to Rockhopper Island and back again.

Transporting Red Puffles to Club Penguin

The Migrator was once again docked on Rockhopper Island in November 2006, and was being prepared by Rockhopper to transport Red Puffles to Club Penguin as a Christmas present. He converted the entire Captain's Quarters into a "cozy den" for the Red Puffles, so they could feel "at home". The Migrator docked on the Beach on December 8th, 2006, and the Captain's Quarters were reverted back to their usual state after leaving Club Penguin.

The Storm

Penguins intrigued to see the damaged Migrator approaching.

Me ship bears the marks of her best work... sails are tattered and torn, the deck floor's been ripped up, and the frame took a bit of a beating.

—Rockhopper, Captain Rockhopper's journal; December 28, 2006

Rockhopper sailed away from Club Penguin earlier than he had wanted to in December 2006. He had seen a storm brewing, and decided it would be better to get ahead of the weather. Eventually, the storm caught up to the Migrator around December 27th, 2006. The captain wasn't as lucky as he had been in 2005 when it came to avoiding damage. The sail was tattered and ripped, some of the deck was ripped from the ship, and the outer frame of the vessel took some damage as well.

The Migrator finally docked again on Rockhopper Island on January 1st, 2007. During this time on the island, captain Rockhopper made some "makeshift" repairs to the ship. However, he knew he'd have to wait until the ship was docked on Club Penguin for it to be repaired properly. The makeshift repairs held from the time they were applied to the Migrator in January 2007 until the ship's arrival on Club Penguin in early February, after which time it received the needed and proper repairs.

New Ventures

No more getting' stuck between boxes on me way to the Captain's Quarters, argh!

—Rockhopper, Captain Rockhopper's journal; April 1, 2007

Rockhopper cleaned the cargo hold on March 29th, 2007. It was filled with boxes, crates and such everywhere; so much that Rockhopper actually had trouble getting to the Captain's Quarters sometimes. After Yarr helped organize the hold, Rockhopper built the "merchandise tent" which is where penguins can buy some of Rockhopper's treasure. In May, the Migrator arrived at Club Penguin in time for Rockhopper and Yarr to celebrate the Pirate Party 2007, which was also the first time penguins could go into the cargo hold.

From May 16th, 2007 until early June 2007, Rockhopper sailed the Migrator into uncharted ocean in search of treasure.

Save The Migrator Project

The Migrator's salvaged front end and the Captain's Quarters being refitted onto it.
The Migrator sinking, as seen in the Beacon Telescope.


They led us back, true as treasure, and what be waiting for me? Shiver me timbers! The Migrator! Rescued, rebuilt, refurbished and refinished.

—Rockhopper, Captain Rockhopper's journal; April 28, 2008

In January 2008, Yarr spotted a small iceberg in his telescope. Rockhopper changed his course a small bit and hoped that the iceberg didn't get closer to them. However, Rockhopper underestimated this "small" iceberg. The Migrator struck the iceberg on January 14th, 2008 and sunk in the ocean; however Rockhopper and Yarr evacuated safely.

A few weeks later Gary the Gadget Guy built the Aqua Grabber and started the Save the Migrator Project. For most of February and March 2008, penguins worked hard to salvage all of the pieces to the Migrator from the ocean floor, and received the Golden Wheel pin if they completed that task. In late March, building started. Penguins then signaled Rockhopper and Yarr using the Flare Flinger 3000 to return to the island. By the time they arrived on Club Penguin again in mid-April, the ship was rebuilt and seaworthy again. In addition to the mended ship, Gary also gave Rockhopper the Snow Cannon 3000 for the ship, for the purpose of blasting any other future icebergs coming in the ship's way.

Upgrade for Rockhopper's Quest

The Migrator equipped with a temporary steel hull as reinforcement for more dangerous conditions.
Gary planning temporary upgrades to the Migrator for Rockhopper's Quest.
The upper deck of the Migrator upgraded for Rockhopper's Quest.

And thanks to me matey Gary, me ship be decked from stem to stern! Now we be going a gazillion times faster!

—Rockhopper, Club Penguin Times, issue #331

Rockhopper planned to place a beacon on the dangerous Shipwreck Island in February 2012; so he could see it when he sails there. However, the Migrator needed a few upgrades. So, Gary upgraded the ship - however the upgrades were temporary as Rockhopper wished to retain the Migrator's "classic" style after the quest was over.

The upgrades included steel and jackhammers being added to the front frame of the Migrator for protection, as well as some other additions to the back side of the ship, and a major speed increase from the giant fan propelling the mast.

A curved upward bridge between the uppermost deck and the Crow's Nest was added to encourage vigilance at night, because climbing a rope ladder to get to the Crow's Nest was slower than using a bridge. Also, the Ship Hold and the Captain's Quarters were off limits for the quest.

Pirate Crab hijacking

The Migrator destroyed at the Beach.

Rockhopper's ship was crashed by crab pirates and now they've invaded the island!

Aunt ArcticClub Penguin Times, issue #474

Before returning to Club Penguin, Rockhopper made a quick stop at the Swashbuckler Trading Post to drink Cream Soda. During this stop, his ship became overpowered by crabs. The ship was also vandalized with a crab emblem on the mast. When the start of the Pirate Party 2014 came, the crabs crashed the Migrator in coast of Club Penguin, leading to to the Migrator being split in two where it submerged around the Beach's coast.

Current Migrator history

The next Migrator be the fastest thing on the seven and a half seas. And she'll be big enough to have a proper duel on the deck!

—Rockhopper, Club Penguin Times, issue #475

Because of the destruction of the original Migrator, Rockhopper announced plans in Club Penguin Times issue #475 to rebuild the Migrator. He sailed by lifeboat to gather new supplies to reconstruct the Migrator. He rebuilt the ship with a heightened Crow's Nest and with longer dimensions. Unlike the original Migrator, the new Migrator was built with three decks and three masts. In response to the events of the Pirate Crab hijacking, the Migrator was equipped with cannons at the side for effective use in a "fight". The lettering of "Migrator" at the back did not appear in the reconstructed version.

Involvement in Operation: Silent Night

The Migrator approaching the narrow Crystal Curtain with Roofhowse at the wheel.

On Merry Walrus Eve, 2014, Rockhopper offered his Migrator to help transport Roofhowse, Lorna, Sydmull, Jangrah and Blizzard to Merry Walrus Island so they could thwart Herbert's plot (Operation: Silent Night). While following Enrique to the island on sea, Roofhowse noticed the Crystal Curtain ahead of the Migrator at the last minute and notably took control of the ship's wheel while Rockhopper was not manning it. Enrique used magic to open the Crystal Curtain wide enough in time so the Migrator could pass through narrowly without crashing, although the edges of the ship did grind the curtain.

Later, Merry Walrus towed the Migrator using his Blue Crystal Puffles to lift and put the Migrator in flight for the very first time.


While Rockhopper and Yarr are usually the only ones aboard the Migrator when the ship is sailing, there have been a few instances where the Migrator has carried passengers:

The Stowaway

Bambadee, the first penguin other than Rockhopper to be aboard the Migrator while it was sailing.
Main article: Rockhopper and the Stowaway

In March 2007, a penguin called Bambadee snuck onto the Migrator's lower deck and sailed off with the pirate. He hid behind a treasure chest and didn't make any noise. When Rockhopper was searching for another barrel of Cream Soda, he saw Bambadee's flippers and Bambadee was caught. Rockhopper informed Bambadee that he will make the ship sail back to Club Penguin. When Rockhopper went back into the Captain's Quarters, Bambadee went up onto the main deck and put on a white blanket and tried to convince Rockhopper to take him on his adventures. Rockhopper then convinced Bambadee to give his 'friends' back at Club Penguin another try. Since then, Rockhopper has had no more penguin stowaways on the Migrator.

Rockhopper's Quest

All penguins of Club Penguin Island were invited to join Rockhopper's Quest with the prime aim of setting up a Beacon on Shipwreck Island (of which was missing one). As a result, penguins were welcome to set sail aboard the Migrator for the first time.

Operation: Silent Night

Roofhowse, Lorna, Sydmull, Jangrah and Blizzard were on a goal to stop Herbert's plan from succeeding. They needed transportation on sea in order to follow Enrique to Merry Walrus Island. The Migrator was coincidentally nearby and Rockhopper let the group on the ship.


Other than Rockhopper's Rare Items, the Migrator has been seen being used to import notable goods for Club Penguin parties.

On June 2009, the Migrator arrived with an abundance of tropical plants and trees on-board to the surprise of many penguins.[1] These were imported by Rockhopper to Club Penguin for use in igloos as well as for the subsequent Adventure Party 2009.

The Migrator has also imported items for some of the Fall Fairs, as well as fruit for the Adventure Party: Temple of Fruit, and train tracks for the Holiday Party 2013.


  • The year with the largest number of visits from the Migrator to Club Penguin Island was 2007, with seven stops (February, March, April, June, July, September and November). The year with the smallest number of visits was 2014, with only two (April and November).
  • The Migrator's Snow Cannon 3000 was the basis for the Beta Team game, Icebergs.
  • When Rockhopper returned to Club Penguin for the Holiday Party 2015, the Migrator has it old design.


Names in other languages

Language Name
Portuguese Migrator
French Migrateur
Spanish Migrator
German Zugvogel
Russian N/A


See also