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Admirals Coat

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Admirals Coat
Available No
Type Body Item
Member item Yes
Party None
Cost 450 coins
Where found Rockhopper's Rare Items
Item ID(s) 4200
Not to be confused with the Admiral Jacket.

The Admirals Coat is a body item in Club Penguin. It costs 450 coins in Rockhopper's Rare Items, and is only available to members. A similar item is the Scarlet Admiral Coat.

In the March 2010 Rockhopper's Rare Items catalog, it went with the Admirals Hat.


It was released in Rockhopper's Rare Items on March 4th, 2010.

Catalog Available from Available until
Rockhopper's Rare Items March 4, 2010 Unknown


Names in other languages

Language Name
Portuguese Farda de Almirante
French La Tenue d'Apparat d'Amiral
Spanish Traje de almirante
German Admiralsmantel
Russian Адмиральский мундир