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HistoryAugust - December 2007Ahh. Back in the day this was the best game for me. I remember joining a few days before the Camp Penguin party. I recieved my first pin that day and I had set a goal to collect every pin onwards. But that didnt go so well. I also was set on getting the anniversary hat. The day of Camp Penguin came and I collected my free items, blah blah blah. September Fall fair Blah Blah Blah. I was also mad about Disney renaming Ballastic Biscuit to Hydro Hopper. At that time I thought Disney buying CP was cool. I regret saying that. The following is the most sad and I regret this. During the month of October we had no internet for a month. The day of the 2nd Anniversary Party I was supposed to go to an Internet Cafe to pick up the hat. But I forgot until late at night which eventually made me miss the hat. But I got the stuff from the Halloween Party because I think I got it back November 1st. Nothing really interesting onwards. Easter 2008 - December 2008I got a membership in 2008 for a year. Nothing else here to really talk about. I really enjoyed the water party. Blah, Blah. In October 2008 I made it a priority TO GET the 3rd Anniversary hat and I did. I also entered the Viking Penguin Giveaway and won a free Plush. I then used the coin code to get 2 items: And MP3000 and a Santa Beard. Little did I know that would be realeased the party coming.. January 2009 - December 2009Nothing Interesting... My membership ended in Easter. I played and got annoyed the Summer/Water Party got replaced by a Island Adventure Party. I got the hat blah blah. January 2010 - PresentSo this is where CP offically went DOWNHILL. This game is ruined. There is little to no good about it. One good thing though, my dream when I just joined to be rare came true. All those new items back in 2007 that I thought were n00b items became rare. I now go about in the rarest of items I have. 7/17/2016: I was feeling nostalgic for Club Penguin... Then I came back to this marketing garbage it has turned into. I give up on this game for being great again. No one can make Club Penguin great again. I give up. Videos<youtube>-9WF3aisXRY</youtube>
SubpagesFor sub-pages I have made go Here. Userboxes