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My Player Card
Penguin's Name Boidoh
Favorites Butterfly Pin, Tent Pin, Red Construction Hat, Yellow Snorkel, Yellow Duck, Marshmallow Stick, Pirate Boots, Rockhopper Background (2006 version)
Member? No
First Pin Butterfly Pin
Famous Penguins Met Rockhopper, Cadence
Date Joined Wiki January 2008
Date Joined Club Penguin August 2007

Im Boidoh. I joined Club Penguin in 2007 a few days before Camp Penguin. The few parties after Disney bought out Club Penguin were not so bad. Some of them were really good. Until about the mid-way of 2009 they started failing. After that I took a hiatus from it. I came back every so often to pick up free items and stuff though. I have serious rage about these parties with partnerships. When this Fruit Party comes it will be the 3rd one. Club Penguin is going downhill in my opinion.


August - December 2007

Ahh. Back in the day this was the best game for me. I remember joining a few days before the Camp Penguin party. I recieved my first pin that day and I had set a goal to collect every pin onwards. But that didnt go so well. I also was set on getting the anniversary hat. The day of Camp Penguin came and I collected my free items, blah blah blah. September Fall fair Blah Blah Blah. I was also mad about Disney renaming Ballastic Biscuit to Hydro Hopper. At that time I thought Disney buying CP was cool. I regret saying that. The following is the most sad and I regret this. During the month of October we had no internet for a month. The day of the 2nd Anniversary Party I was supposed to go to an Internet Cafe to pick up the hat. But I forgot until late at night which eventually made me miss the hat. But I got the stuff from the Halloween Party because I think I got it back November 1st. Nothing really interesting onwards.

Easter 2008 - December 2008

I got a membership in 2008 for a year. Nothing else here to really talk about. I really enjoyed the water party. Blah, Blah. In October 2008 I made it a priority TO GET the 3rd Anniversary hat and I did. I also entered the Viking Penguin Giveaway and won a free Plush. I then used the coin code to get 2 items: And MP3000 and a Santa Beard. Little did I know that would be realeased the party coming..

January 2009 - December 2009

Nothing Interesting... My membership ended in Easter. I played and got annoyed the Summer/Water Party got replaced by a Island Adventure Party. I got the hat blah blah.

January 2010 - Present

So this is where CP offically went DOWNHILL. This game is ruined. There is little to no good about it. One good thing though, my dream when I just joined to be rare came true. All those new items back in 2007 that I thought were n00b items became rare. I now go about in the rarest of items I have.

7/17/2016: I was feeling nostalgic for Club Penguin... Then I came back to this marketing garbage it has turned into. I give up on this game for being great again. No one can make Club Penguin great again. I give up.



Here are my Club Penguin related videos. Please feel free to watch.


For sub-pages I have made go Here.


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