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The Twelfth Fish

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The Twelfth Fish
Storyline This play is about a Bard, a Jester and a Countess all going fishing.
Premiere December 14, 2007
Characters Countess, Bard, Jester and Fish
Music Twelfth Fish Music
Background Twelfth Fish Background (Only in the May 2008 exhibition)

The Twelfth Fish is a play at the Stage. It features a Fluffy the Fish. The Twelfth Fish hadn't been to the Stage for three years. It came back on January 11, 2012 with a new script written by Rookie.

The Twelfth Fish.


2012 version Original version
The Countess loves to count- and her goal since she was young: To find the dozen rarest fish, and count them one by one.
So the jester and the Bard are going to help her with her wish. Can the Countess find and count the rare Twelfth Fish?
This Shakespeare-like play is about a Countess, a Jester, and a Bard going to fish. A fish goes BLUB BLUB many times, and the two try to catch it. The two do catch it and they wish to eat it.


Image Name Info Clothing
Countess Countess had a dream of counting 12 rare fish. With Bard's and Jester's help she was able to count the twelfth fish and accomplish her goal. Countess Steeple Hat, Countess Dress
Bard Bard helped Countess to find the twelfth fish for her to count. He is a poet. In the original play, he suggested to fish for a meal. Bard Hat, Bard Outfit
Jester Jester helped the Countess to find the twelfth fish for her to count. Court Jester Hat, Court Jester Outfit
Fish Fish was the twelfth rare fish to be counted by the Countess. Fish Costume, Yellow Flippers


Current Script

Twelfth Fish

  • Countess: Guys we're NEVER going to find that fish
  • Countess: We've been searching for 3,429 days!
  • Bard: You've kept count of exact amount?
  • Countess: What else is a countess supposed to do?
  • Jester: Let's split up! Or better yet... let's banana split up!
  • Countess: Bard and I will check the castle, Jester check by the sea
  • Bard: I pledge to check every hedge!
  • Jester: Now let's see here... I see the sea
  • Fish: Hello there
  • Jester: Oh my! And the sea sees me!
  • Fish: Oh I'm not the sea. I'm a fish.
  • Jester: Are you a rare fish?
  • Fish: Well my mom says I'm one of a kind
  • Jester: Pefect! Would you mind if my friend counted you?
  • Fish: I guess. I've never really been counted on before
  • Countess: Five hedges. Seven flowers. 4,365 stones
  • Jester: Countess! Come quickly!
  • Countess: Oh wondrous fish! Will you grant my fondest wish?
  • Fish: Are you the one who wants to count me?
  • Countess: Yes! Oh please, I've searched 82,310 hours for you!
  • Fish: Would you mind telling me a poem first?
  • Bard: Oh golden fish of sheen most rare
  • Bard: We've searched the world from here to there
  • Bard: Of all the places we have been
  • Bard: You're the greatest fish we've ever seen
  • Fish: Oh how lovely. Thank You?
  • Countess: So may I count you, dear fish?
  • Fish: Yup. Go ahead. That was a great poem
  • Countess: Then it is my pleasure to say
  • Countess: After eleven other fish before you
  • Countess: You are the rarest, final Twelfth Fish


Old Script

  • Countess: The iceberg's a stage and we are penguins!
  • Jester: A stage where every penguin plays a part.
  • Bard: Fair maiden, shall we go and catch some fish?
  • Jester: To fish or not to fish, that is the question!
  • Countess: Good plan! Fishing is such a sweet comfort.
  • Bard: Now is the winter of our fishing trip.
  • Jester: As good luck would have it!
  • Bard: The first thing we do, let's catch all the fish.
  • Fish: BLUB BLUB!
  • Jester: O fishing line, fishing line! Wherefore art thou doing fine?
  • Fish: BLUBBETH!
  • Countess: What fish through yonder ocean swim?
  • Bard: But hark! What fish through yonder water peeks?
  • Jester: A fish! A fish! My puffle for a fish!
  • Countess: Something fishy this way comes.
  • Jester: With my empty tummy my eye doth feast.
  • Bard: Now please get me a dish fit for the fish!
  • Countess: Get thee to a fishery!
  • Jester: "To dine, perchance to eat!
  • Bard: If fish be the food of life, waddle on!
  • Fish: Ha ha BLUB!

(Chases bard around the stage)

  • Countess:I've never saw a fish chase a penguin before.

Exhibition history

Start End
December 14, 2007 January 11, 2008
May 9, 2008 June 3, 2008
January 11, 2012 February 9, 2012


  • For what is best, that best I wish in thee.
  • Fish, puffles, penguins, lend me your ears!
  • We crew, we happy crew, we land of penguins.
  • Small things make penguins proud.


  • The phrase We've been searching for 3,429 days! means they've been looking for the fish since August 11th, 2002

Names in other languages

Language Name
Portuguese A 12ª Raridade
French Le Douzième Poisson
Spanish El Doceavo Pez
German "Der Zwölfte Fisch"
Russian N/A