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Penguin Secret Agency

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Penguin Secret Agency

Be resourceful, be remarkable, be ready.
Agency overview
Abbreviation PSA
Founded October 24, 2005
Status Dissolved (May 17, 2010)
Leader Aunt Arctic (a.k.a "The Director")
Headquarters HQ

The Penguin Secret Agency, more commonly known as the P.S.A., was Club Penguin's spy association that helped keep Club Penguin safe. The P.S.A ran from October 24th, 2005 to May 17th, 2010. To enroll, your penguin had to have spent over 30 days in the game. The Director is the founder and leader of the agency. Following a massive popcorn incident regarding Herbert P. Bear, the PSA was dissolved and merged into the Elite Penguin Force.

The PSA was similar to MI5 of the UK and the FBI of the U.S.A.


There were four well known members that are re-appearing agents in Secret Missions.


Suspects at large

According to The F.I.S.H., there are two main suspects in secret missions.


See also