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Theories or ideas about the room Ideas:Lighthouse!
Ideas:Lighthouse theories
- Some Penguins think when the lighthouse turns 20 Years old there will be a huge party there!!!
- Some People are hoping there will be more rooms at the light house.
- I think that one day the bulb will shut off causing Rockhopper to crash into it.
- The lighthouse is haunted!
- The lighthouse have a lot of guillotines
- The lighthouse is really a flying monster!
- The lighthouse is a robot controlled by Sanity Penguin! One day, Sanity Penguin's robot went to G's house, and ATE G'S HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- G took the machine that turns penguins into Find Four games and made the lighthouse into a Find Four game.
- One new lighthouse room would be the basement which has tons of ghosts and Ninja Ghosts
- Gary will transform the Lighthouse into a rocket and we will be able to travel into space!
- The Lighthouse bulb once went out, causing a cargo ship to crash into the Dock.
- The Lighthouse is haunted by Sanity, waiting to get revenge on the mods for banning him.