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Theories about the character Ideas:Cadence!
- Cadence doesn't have a crush on Rookie.
- She has a 512th cousin who knows a guy who has a cousin who knows a guy that has an uncle who has a grandfather whos knows Zippo.
- Cadence had her own TV show called "Late Night with Cadence". It was canceled after 3 shows.
- Cadence has a sister named "Cantdance". She is clumsy and barely dances.
- If "Cantdance" exists, it's possible that she has no relationship with Cadence.
- Cadence is the sister of (DS) Dancing Penguin, because they're both
pinkand have dancing skills - Cadence Owns 16 Purple Puffles
- Cadence is 17
- Cadence is Rookie's second crush(after Dot).
- Cadence can be found in the Dance Lounge in any server
- Cadence has a cat in disguise as a Seizure Puffle.
- Candence has a puffle that is the keeper of the boiler room and her sister Cantdance Has a vampirepuffle
- Cadence can play the drums really well and has a sister named Casey who is Rockhopper's biggest fan and once stowed-away on his ship.
- Her rival used to be bens777 but he disappeared
- She is really good at playing the piano
- Cadence has a son named Jake, search "Cadence and Franky Love Story" in Youtube.
- The cadence that dances is herbert and the real one is watch My Little Pony.
- Cadence loves klutzy.
- Cadence is sensei backwards.
- She is from My Little Pony: FiM season 2 the true one and the fake is from club penguin.
- The Cadence is a spy.
- One of the squids are named cadence.
- Cadence has a sister named Classic They don't have a lot in common. Classic loves ballet. Cadence loves to breakdance. Classic prefers classical music more than anything else. Cadence is a DJ. She LOVES to create remixes to her songs and spin some tunes. Cadence can sing in front of millions of people. Classic has stage fright.