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Furniture & Igloo Catalog

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Furniture & Igloo Catalog

The current edition of Furniture & Igloo Catalog.
Date released January 15, 2014
Location Player's
Sells Furniture and Igloos
Available Yes
Updates Monthly

The Furniture & Igloo Catalog was Club Penguin's igloo and furniture catalog. It was created after the Furniture Catalog and Igloo Catalog was fused and was removed when they were split back on June 30, 2015. It returned in the next month when the two catalogs were merged again.





Names in other languages

Language Name
Portuguese Iglu & Cia
French Catalogue d'Igloos et de Mobilier
Spanish Catálogo de muebles e iglús
German Mobel- & Iglu-Katalog
Russian Каталог мебели и домиков


See also