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Club Penguin Wiki:The Berg/Issue 7

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June 9, 2014 Issue 7

Coming Soon: Club Penguin Wiki Games

Game 1 of the Mancala Final at the 1st Club Penguin Wiki Games, November 24, 2013.

As promised, the Club Penguin Wiki Games will be returning this July! Most of the events will be the same as the November 2013 Games. Depending on the number of participants, there will be two to three teams for this tournament. However, there are plans to add one or two new events. The event is still in planning stage so keep your eyes peeled for more information in the coming weeks!

Meanwhile, you can sign up and pick your team on the official event page here. Sign ups are open until June 30th. After that, event organizers will place you into a team so be sure to sign up as soon as possible!

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Wiki logo during the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

It was June 2010. The World Cup was being held in South Africa and like most major sporing events around the world, adrenalin filled up inside our users and the wiki quickly entered World Cup mode. But how hyped were we?

It started off with one big soccer fan named Tigernose, who cheered for Team England from beginning to end. Throughout the duration of the tournament, he changed his IRC nickname to COME-ON-ENGLAND. As an administrator, he also made sure we had a wiki logo for the World Cup. This motivated everybody on our IRC channel to change their nicknames to one that began with COME-ON-.

Of course with all this there would be some conflict between users. Especially in the final game between Spain and the Netherlands - there was a line drawn down the middle and there were users on both sides. Some cherished that day, others walked away disappointed. However, we do know that it has created one of the most memorable moments in the history of this wiki.

A Note From the Publisher: Passing the Torch

To all of our loyal readers, it has been a fun ride. Time flies by fast - it's already been eight months since the first issue was published. For me, I've been here for almost five years. In these five years, life has gotten a lot busier, and that restricts the amount of time I have available for the wiki. Having said that, this will be my last issue of The Berg. I will be passing the torch to a group of users that I feel are capable in keeping the newspaper running:

Publisher Gatuti789
Editor-in-chief Hat Pop
Article writers Brookelas, Gatuti789, Hat Pop, Penstubal
The Panel Brookelas

Here are your roles:

  • Publisher: You are responsible for the final publication of The Berg and the way it appears. In cases where there may be not enough articles for a publication, you have the final say in whether or not there will be an issue published for the current month. You will also prepare the "Upcoming Events" and "The Spotlight" sections.
  • Editor-in-chief: Make sure grammar and spelling are correct, as well as that articles are written in a professional manner. You should also be aware that any content written should not offend any users. You have the right to reject any article from being published for any reason.
  • Article writer: Your job is to write the articles for the newspaper. These can be news, upcoming events or even interesting things that relate to the wiki or Club Penguin itself. Because there are many of you doing this one job, it's suggested that you work as a team and decide on what needs to be written, who writes what, etc.
  • The Panel: You will prepare three questions for The Panel each month. You will also find three participants and record their answers exactly the way they answer it.

The Administration

Hat Pop Fully Active
Nando144 Fully Active
Gatuti789 Fully Active
Seahorseruler Partially Active
LordMaster96 Partially Active

Upcoming Events

  • Mid-July: CPW Summer Games 2014

The Spotlight

Self portrait by Gatuti789

Tweet of the Month

The Panel

Hat Pop Penstubal LordMaster96
Make your pick. Which country will win the 2014 FIFA World Cup? USA ALL THE WAY! Either Spain or Brazil I'm gonna make the wild guess that Spain will repeat and take it all.
Which party did you prefer? The Prehistoric Party or the Future Party? Honestly, both of them were meh. The Prehistoric was a little better though. Prehistoric Party is better; well, this year´s one at least Personally I think the Prehistoric Party had a greater variety of things to do than the Future Party, so Prehistoric Party it is. The Future Party was still pretty interesting though.
What would be one wacky way for the wiki to celebrate the World Cup this year? Make a wicked cool skin An interesting logo with a soccer ball and flags of some nations that are best at football, and the same thing what happened on IRC in 2010 Do everything we did in 2010. Throwback time!
Don't forget to subscribe to our social media accounts for even more updates!
The Berg © 2013-2014 Club Penguin Wiki Network. This issue is published by LordMaster96.

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