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Club Penguin Wiki:Party Ratings/2016/Holiday Party

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You are on the party reviews page for the Holiday Party 2016. To write a new review, please click on this link. You must have an account to write a review, or else your review will be removed. To sign up for an account on the Club Penguin Wiki, click here.

last year was good, but this one was even better! By Superalvi400

best party of the year, they fixed what 2015 didn't fix from merry walrus! perfect party, the number of decorated rooms is the same as 2008 (even though there were less rooms but still), merry walrus was kept in some places and i actually like that since they didn't just randomly retcon merry walrus party from existence and pretend it was a normal holiday. i'm also going to talk about the year overall here, since it is the last party from 2016.

Decorations: 10/10 - I know many rooms are repeated, but would you rather have a party with lost of repeated decorations but most rooms are decorated, or a party where all rooms are new but a few rooms are decorated, only? (another ntentional indirect lol) the mine and hidden lake have completely new decorations which are simple, being a decoration not a transformation. this party also took the dust out of rooms which haven't been decorated for a while: Boiler Room wasn't decorated since 2012 (2013 if you count the damaged boiler from november); mine wasn't decorated since 2012 (2013 if you count the stuff that happened at underground and when the puffle went missing), and hidden lake wasn't decorated since 2011 (2013 if you count when the cave mine was closed). the pet shop though, literally hasn't got an actual decoration since 2011...

Music: 10/10 - Holiday music is the best

Items: 5/10 - Non-members only get a background and a pin, i'm a member but that still is too few items. Got a 5 because the items are cool, mascots items, an EPF sweater, a tent, panettone, etc.

Eh... i guess it's just that? Now it's the year rating:

To be honest, 2016 in CP was pure garbage. in real life too More than half of the year was takeovers, FROZEN PARTY AGAIN, bad parties with few rooms, non-members get almost nothing, normal club penguin isn't seen since zootopia started because the parties are horribly long (even the good ones, like music jam and this holiday party), to see 900.000.000.000 more reasons you must pay 12 good parties in 2016, aka it's not available

ok it's just that i don't know what else to say, see you guys next year and bye



NO By Quackerpingu

Only old items and NO MERRY WALRUS.



No By Psychanic


In all seriousness, a better CP would be this:

  • No more announcing the parties like 2 months before it even happens. We need a party that's just pure surprise.
  • Non-member items.
  • Vanilla CP
  • And so much more.

Nothing New :/ By Megurine Luka

Nothing new, just basically c+p all the time. Plus no new quests/clothing items. All the same as last year. Boring!

Decent By Green N Cool


  • There's a great variety of old and new rooms.
    • They brought new decorations to the Mine and Hidden Lake.
  • Rockhopper's the mascot.
  • A majority of the items are brand new.
  • There's a good mix of music
  • The Migrator foreshadows Club Penguin Island.


  • Merry Walrus couldn't visit because of an issue with his clothing according to Megg.
  • There's bugs with donating to Coins For Change.
  • There's less emphasis on Coins For Change.


  • Overall, I think the Holiday Party 2016 is decent. It's mostly the same as the last holiday party.

I'm going to rate this event a 3.5/5.

okay, i guess By abdul54

there's really no hope of reviewing, buying membership, buying items, or even playing this game anymore considiring club penguin is not bringing anything over but lemme take a shot on telling my stance on club penguin during the last few years,

the parties ranged from blegh to okay, with the exclusion of the 10th anniversary

the design changes was not a good idea and club penguin island is worse

the items, let's not talk about it

the puffles after 2013 are plain ugly

nothing rly important rly happened since blackout

takeovers are a lot worse

club penguin has become even worse of a punching bag during the last 2 years

oh and the party: it's okay, a bit below every party in cp 2012- but far above fashion party

please just end this idc if nostalgia is speaking but club penguin was better in 2012-, just oomph up the parties and make them more creative

also please do not do as much takeovers or frozen again

meh why am i arguing, the game went downhill since rsnail left and there is no hope of bringing it back

Good enough. By TheRareWanderer

Hey, I'm a newbie at writing reviews! I'm The Rare Wanderer, aka The 2007 Critic. I've been on Club Penguin since 2007, and I've never regretted it. Let's get started, shall we? Anyway, I don't know why this party is getting so much hatred. I mean, it's a shameless rehash, but at least it's not the Frozen Fever Party. The Holiday Party also has an Advent Calendar. Although the new items are lackluster, it's better than recycling the new ones. Furthermore, the rooms are colored nicely, and there's no quest this time. Overall, I think it's pretty good.