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Club Penguin Wiki:Council/Archive November 10 2012

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This page is an archive of a previous meeting, not the current meeting!
All topics have already been discussed.

For the November 10th meeting, LordMaster96 and Seahorseruler served as director.

(1) Recovery Act

As you have noticed, the wiki isn't exactly at its best right now. The issues started with the "merge" idea, which failed. We promoted 2 old wiki admins, but none of their users are here. Even the 2 admins are working part time on both wikis. Ever since that day, we have been making a series of stupid decisions. I was absent when many of them were made. I propose enacting a "Recovery Act", which will:

  • Promote CPMaster to adminship again (Already done)
  • Revert all changes made by the merge agreement (except the promotion of Wolfgangs). Admins will be Me, Hat Pop, Tigernose, Nando144, CPMaster, Wolfgangs.
  • Remove the custom vector skin. It was released too early before it was neat enough to be out default skin.
  • Shut down the failing "Partnership Program". It is bringing in no new users, and we don't have the time, people, or resources to maintain it right now.
  • Start using our YoutTube, Twitter, and Facebook again. It is currently being run by non admins, we need to assign a staff member to run them. This used to be Error504's (LordMaster96) job.
  • Promote Sharkbate to Staff again (Already Done).
  • Anything else suggested in the comments or during the meeting that we can agree on.

Please let me know what you think below. --Seahorseruler (Talk Page) (Contribs) 22:11, 30 September 2012 (UTC)


  • Promote another admin - I suggest NickelbackFan37. She is always helpful and friendly on IRC, and she has done a fair amount of work here on the CPW. She also is very experienced (not as admin, though, but her and Error were friends, Error passed on some projects to her). So, I think that is why she should be an admin. Plus, I think there should be 7 admins, not 6. -- Brookelas Mastered the EL EM ENTS! 22:33, 30 September 2012 (UTC)
  • I say close the Facebook account. It's audience is 18-25 years old :| --TheBroMaster Talk to me! 22:37, 30 September 2012 (UTC)
  • I think Partners should stay up. If you put someone that knows what they're doing into the Project Manager position, it would be very successful. --HappyfaceNetwork staff (talk|blog|contribs) 22:53, 30 September 2012 (UTC)
    • Penblooe would be a good choice for this in my opinion. However, idk if he could do it since he has a lot of stuff he already does on the network. Cp kid Wanna Talk? 23:21, 30 September 2012 (UTC)
  • My personal thoughts: I think maybe we should think about promoting Penblooe to staff if he's up to it. He's a great person, edit-wise, decision-wise and personality-wise. He also is already an admin on fanon and CPW-PT, and former admin on shops; so he knows his way around the community. Also, I think that if possible we should make the custom vecter and the plain vecter two seperate skins, so people could choose the one they would like. Cp kid Wanna Talk? 23:21, 30 September 2012 (UTC)
  • IMO, I think that a person whom is experienced in running a tight operation, such as a Wiki, doesn't matter fanon or actual, should be admin. CPM is a good choice as well, but I barely see him talk on IRC, so activitywise on IRC maybe not. But Hal would make a good admin. -Wonderweez Talk 23:54, 30 September 2012 (UTC)Wonderweez
  • This is E504 as anon. I say have Hat Pop replace Tigernose as Deputy Exec. I am neutral on PenblooeR as staff (someone else is against though), and I am against for NBF37 as admin (she doesn't have the courage to make simple decisions herself). I will agree with trashing partnership and the skin. However, in the big picture, I see little hope for this wiki, which is why I'm gone (sometimes you 'have to be cruel to be kind'). —Preceding unsigned comment added by Error504 (talkcontribsedit count)
  • I agree with Bro on the closing the FB. I don't want to manage it anymore. As for promotions, I'm neutral to Pen being promoted to staff, and you are right about one thing, Error... though I kinda do want to show some leadership on the wiki. NickelbackFan37 I love Owl City! Forever Bay Area Proud 02:41, 1 October 2012 (UTC)
  • I agree with Error. I see little hope here unless we get some new editors that are GOOD. About 2 good editors come in annually now. That's not enough! About Mocha's promotion, I see Error's POV aswell. No offense to her, but she takes a LONG time to make a decision, she often changes her mind, and she's not confident enough to enforce the rules. --TheBroMaster Talk to me! 20:49, 1 October 2012 (UTC)
  • I'm too lazy to login (I'm Tux) but I suggest removal of Special:Chat 19:44, 2 October 2012 (UTC)
  • About the merge, why not we let CP Wikia stay at Wikia, but will be under our control? I am also keen to agree with Bro coz Facebook, I don't think Facebook will attract new users. I also agree with Error, thought I think Mocha should be a trial. About dat RV, yes, we definitely need it. Also, what about representatives from both Fanon, Shops, and maybe the Portuguese? I see the both of the Fanon's reps are retiring, the Shops reps project is currently under hiatus, and the PT don't have reps yet. About YouTube, why not we do some fun vids (probably us doing Gangnam Style in CP xD) and have an advertisement to all wikis under the CPWN control in the vid? About the skin, why not we make good ol' Monaco as default? I have also found out what have been missing ever since dat move. It's fun. Gosh, I miss the CPW in 2010, it was so fun and awesome back then. Well, end of my (not so) detailed opinion. Anyways, Happy Gangnam Style! --Welcome00 Talk 04:06, 9 October 2012 (UTC)
    • Okay this is too chaotic so I think I should just semi-return... for now to help with site organization and decision making. First of all, Wikia would never let us take over the CPW on Wikia again, let alone their community. One suggestion I have is making the main page more attractive. You know that slider feature for Wikia's galleries? It's kinda like a news feed. We could use it (or something similar) on our main page with the latest wiki/game updates, such as advertising our official events, weekly CP update blog posts, and news posts. If not the main page, I could probably make good use of it on my userpage. I'll release a full report on my website later. --LordMaster96 06:13, 9 October 2012 (UTC)
    • Welcome, I see a few flaws in your idea(s). 1.Wikia would NEVER let us just "take over", and even if they did, we don't want to move back to wikia(why do you think we moved in the first place). 2. By "reps" you mean staff members. I might agree to the fanon and PT, but shops is a big no-no. The only way a shops user could become "staff" was if they were just a "representative", that'd sit in the staff meetings and give shops user's opinions. They also wouldn't be allowed to vote on any decisions unless it affected shops only I would assume... I only say this because no user on shops is mature enough to be staff. Also, other people have said the same thing before I did, so don't think i'm the only one bickering :P Cp kid Wanna Talk? 20:41, 9 October 2012 (UTC)
  • I could manage Twitter and Facebook. Also, I created a new Facebook for the wiki in which it has a 'username' rather than a name and a bunch of letters and numbers after. Check it out here, and maybe like us too! --LordMaster96 06:39, 15 October 2012 (UTC)

(2) Report Vandalism

I don't know if this has been suggested already, but we have a "Report Vandalism" page where users could report vandalism when admins are not around. I'm thinking that we should bring it back, since we have been getting some vandalism lately, which do get noticed and reverted, but what if it happens when an admin is offline, and the person continues? So, my proposal is to bring it back. MochaErikaDerp Here's Hope! Go Sharks Go! 01:39, 8 October 2012 (UTC)


  • Maybe. However, it seems too laggy. What if more users were given the right to block users? --TheBroMaster Talk to me! 15:32, 8 October 2012 (UTC)
  • We don't need more people with the power to block users. All we need is to start using this page again, and possibly promote one or two new rollbacks(only if the vandalism continues). Cp kid Wanna Talk? 23:44, 8 October 2012 (UTC)
  • To me I think we need to restructure the entire rollback group. They're all so cut off from admin contact... --LordMaster96 06:49, 15 October 2012 (UTC)
  • We already have one. Yuri102212 Talk Edits 07:50, 5 November 2012 (UTC)

(3) New Users

As you've noticed, the wiki is slowly using users. That is because we never get any new users, due to the fact that CPWikia is the 1st result on google. Anyways, I think that we need to discuss more ways to get new users, other than just sitting around waiting for them to come! Cp kid Wanna Talk? 23:49, 8 October 2012 (UTC)


  • I know it's not "easy" to find new users, but I think that we have some pretty smart and creative people "up in here", and that we'll find a way to get more users than CPWikia could ever HOPE to have :) Cp kid Wanna Talk? 23:49, 8 October 2012 (UTC)
  • Yea, it'll take time. But, as long as this wiki's still around, we can do it. MochaErikaDerp Here's Hope! Go Sharks Go! 01:11, 9 October 2012 (UTC)
  • I made a list of suggestions on my website here, which, is just my opinion, but I think could help this wiki and is worthy of a discussion. --LordMaster96 06:50, 15 October 2012 (UTC)
Great suggestions! :) -ShrimpPin 12:01, 15 October 2012 (UTC)

(4) Project:Social

I've started a little thing on my sandbox to help promote frequent activity on the wiki. I have realized that the wiki is not attracting users primarily because we don't have much to do here. I mean, what random Internet-surfing person is going to join a website only so they can improve its content (well, I guess there's us. But that's beside the point)? If you click on that link, you'll see the first box I've made. I'm hoping to add ideas to it to help the wiki become more appealing. Anyone is free to edit it. -ShrimpPin 23:42, 9 October 2012 (UTC)


(5) Separate Archives?

I've been looking at certain SWFs recently and I thought about the possibility of other language archives. I don't know weather we should think about making whole other LANGUAGE wikis for the other language SWFs, or upload them to the normal archives site, or maybe just forget about the other language SWFs altogether. But I think that we should at least discuss what to do.


(6) Discussion Templates

  • [14:35] <Shrimp> I thought that on every discussion page (articles, not just user talk pages), we should have a template
  • [14:35] <Shrimp> It explains what you can do on that page
  • [14:35] <Shrimp> That would get rid of a lot of redlinks and it would help the talk pages stay focused
  • [14:36] <HatPop> Could you give me an example?
  • [14:36] <Shrimp> It would say something like:
  • [14:37] <Shrimp> "This is a talk page. It is used to discuss anything about the article it is linked to. Please stay on topic. Some possible things to discuss are:
  • [14:37] <Shrimp> 1. Mistakes in the page
  • [14:37] <Shrimp> 2. Tips for improving the article
  • [14:37] <Shrimp> 3. Discussion about the article in-game
  • [14:38] <Shrimp> Note: If your message does not relate to the article or violates any rules, it will be removed immediately and you may be blocked.
  • [14:38] <HatPop> That sounds interesting, although I thought something like that existed
  • [14:38] <Shrimp> It's not on the discussion pages, so I guess not
  • [14:38] <Shrimp> http://www.clubpenguinwiki.info/wiki/Club_Penguin_Wiki:Policy#Other_Policies_.28Policy_Category_III.29
  • [14:39] <Shrimp> There's a redlink there to the talk page
  • [14:39] <Shrimp> It would look better if we were to make is a valid link
  • [14:39] <HatPop> I see
  • [14:39] <HatPop> Do you think you could put that on council for now?


(7) Wiki Decoration

Wikia gave me this idea. I think that if we:

  • Change the background
  • Change some colors (like the sidebar tab name colors)
  • Change the logo (as we do)
  • and change the pictures of penguins and other objects on the main page and welcome message

to holiday themes (like Halloween), it will attract many new users and will improve the holiday spirit of the entire site.


  • Broken Link!! Boom!! --Welcome00 Talk 06:54, 17 October 2012 (UTC)
  • As a former admin I think I know what's with the link. I'm not an admin so I can't see it, but there is an administrator-only section in the forum in which only admins can see the post. It's probably not broken, since the entire URL looks correct. --LordMaster96 07:06, 17 October 2012 (UTC)
    • Oh, yeah, LM's right. I'll change it. -ShrimpPin 20:42, 24 October 2012 (UTC)

(8) Departments

This would probably keep the wiki more organized. In my proposal, the functions of the wiki would be broken down into different departments, where different departments would have different users who specialize in different tasks. Don't worry, if you're good at multiple things, you won't be prevented from joining more than one department.

Each department will select a department head. The selected user does not have to be an admin, but it is recommended that an admin keeps an eye on the department so that the administration is aware of any changes. Within the department, they will hold little meetings of their own to decide on things. Anything major that is voted in favour of would go on the council agenda for the next meeting. This way, users who probably don't care too much about something won't have to be faced with something they don't care about. The department breakdown and function would go as following:

  • Management: user rights issues, network statistics, Penguin of the Month, featured article, Wall of Fame.
  • Articles: any issues relating to the 5000+ articles on the wiki, portals.
  • Graphics: Picture Department, logo submissions, funny pictures.
  • Social: YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, official events, party reviews, CPW Awards

How does this sound? --LordMaster96 04:17, 20 October 2012 (UTC)


  • I really like this idea. I could help with management/social. -ShrimpPin 20:44, 24 October 2012 (UTC)
  • Sure. Yuri102212 Talk Edits 03:50, 3 November 2012 (UTC)
  • This looks quite nice, but we need to ensure that there is still cross-department contributions. We don't want one aspect of the wiki falling short because not enough people pledge to be part of that department. --Tigernose TalkContribs 20:03, 10 November 2012 (UTC)

(9) Music Database

As you may know, CP Shops has music database. Do you want it for your user page or not?

Yuri102212 Talk Edits 03:50, 3 November 2012 (UTC)


  • NO. It's plagued 1 site, we don't need it plaguing another. -- TheBroMaster Talk to me! 21:35, 5 November 2012 (UTC)
  • Well Bro, why do you tihnk we never brought music to shops in the first place? >:| I mean we obviously COULD have, but we didn't want to be annoyed by it like you are now. Cp kid Wanna Talk? 23:52, 5 November 2012 (UTC)
  • Being honest here, when I visited the CPSW around Halloween, as soon as I got on the main page I wanted to get out ASAP. Just my opinion, I think the music is irritating. --LordMaster96 05:33, 6 November 2012 (UTC)
  • Okay, I know the music gets annoying at times, but basically, the CPS is not using music at full-time, we remove it and only use it for parties. It's user's opinions whether they have music in their malls or not. AND NO MUSIC IN THE CPW. That would probably make us lose users or something... --File:Estonia.gif Cylly1512 Talk Contributions 08:51, 6 November 2012 (UTC)

(10) Vector CSS

It's been a hot debate but unlike topic 1, I'm suggesting we replace the CSS with a new design. In my opinion, it should be the exact same thing minus the current header image. A new header image will not take up any more space as it's a gradient of the normal Club Penguin sky. No clouds or anything, just a gradient. This way it can repeat-x without having to look bad. The padding-top can also be changed back to 0px so it wastes no space at the top. Also, I also propose that we can use special CSS for events like Halloween and Christmas. Maybe even the Ultimate Jam. It really depends on the sky of Club Penguin. Here are two I've developed on (they still have a few issues but I'm hoping that either me or someone else will figure out the issues). Some previews:

The few issues are:

  • Not all tabs are rounded (I can fix this)
  • When hovering over the tabs, the background turns purple (don't know how to fix)
  • There is an underline below the more arrow tab. (don't know how to fix)

The h5 text above the sidebar boxes may also want to change colors (especially for the Christmas one). Yes it's a bit of work but what are we going to get if we sit around and do nothing? --LordMaster96 05:33, 4 November 2012 (UTC)


  • Great idea. That's pretty much what Shark and I were thinking (somewhere up there).

-ShrimpPin 01:20, 5 November 2012 (UTC)

(11) Date of founding

Worth a discussion on whether to keep it or change it. Was it founded on December 20, 2006 or January 10, 2007? Logs from Wikia only prove January 2007. --LordMaster96 07:09, 8 November 2012 (UTC)


  • If the earliest records are in 2007, I guess it's ok to change the date just 20 days. -ShrimpPin 12:40, 9 November 2012 (UTC)

(12) Newspaper Policy rewrite

There is no longer a craze in publishing. The policy needs to be rewritten so that it's not so harsh. Right now, I think that I might be in violation of the policy and I'm doing nothing wrong. Certain points need to be pointed out, but it's pretty harsh in its current state. --LordMaster96 00:22, 9 November 2012 (UTC)


  • Agreed. -ShrimpPin 12:40, 9 November 2012 (UTC)

(13) CPWN Awards Scheduling

The date for the CPWN Awards (the day winners are announced) has not been set. We need to discuss this before December 1, and I feel this meeting would be right on time. We should also discuss if we should use an IRC bot or Google Drive form/forum verification for voting, although I had a forum post earlier this year regarding this issue. --LordMaster96 07:14, 9 November 2012 (UTC)


  • I think we should decide on a date quickly. I think voting's been fine as it is, but I guess Surveymonkey (I know, you hate linking out) or that Google Drive thing you mentioned would work too. -ShrimpPin 12:40, 9 November 2012 (UTC)


Please do not add your name below until the next meeting has been set.