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Category:Furniture released in 2014
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Furniture initially released in 2014 are listed below:
Pages in category "Furniture released in 2014"
The following 158 pages are in this category, out of 158 total.
- Cafeteria Delights
- Carousel Horse
- Check-in Terminal
- Chieftain's Seat
- Cinema Pod
- Clam Chair
- Classy Bookshelf
- Claw Marks
- Corner Puffle Tube
- Corner Wall Cabinet
- Cozy Porch Chair
- Cozy Porch Swing
- CP Air Pilot's Chair
- CP Air Seat
- CPU Chair
- CPU Locker
- CPU Student Desk
- Crab Treasure Chest
- Crow's Nest Back
- Crow's Nest Front
- Crystal Candy Cane
- Painted Rocking Horse
- Patio Parasol
- Patio Table
- Pirate Barrel
- Pirate Diving Board
- Planet Lamp
- Popcorn Cart
- Potted Poinsettia
- Prehistoric Gate
- Prehistoric Wall
- Primal Shark Arch
- Puffle Bubble Tube
- Puffle Cave
- Puffle Paddle Booth
- Puffle Shuffle Booth
- Puffle Soaker Booth
- Puffle Tube Bend
- Puffle Tube Box
- Puffle Tube Tower
- Sabre-tooth Rug
- Sand Bucket
- Ship Deck
- Ship Front Left
- Ship Front Right
- Ship Hull Corner
- Ship Hull Side
- Ship Shrouds
- Ship's Wheel
- Short Puffle Tube
- Short Solid Tube
- Short Window Tube
- Six String Tune Table
- Slab Recliner
- Slab Sofa
- Smoothie Machine
- Soccer Bean Bag
- Soccer Goal
- SoundStudio Booth
- Spooky Hearth
- Stable Stall
- Stadium Bleachers
- Stage Curtain
- Starship Console
- Stone Fireplace
- Sunscreen