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All-Access Pass (ID 3079)

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All-Access Pass
Available No
Type Neck Item
Member item Yes
Party Music Jam 2011
Cost 50 coins
Where found Shirts Rock Catalog
Item ID(s) 3079

The All-Access Pass is a neck item in Club Penguin. Members could buy it for 50 coins in the Shirts Rock Catalog during the Music Jam 2011. It granted players access into the Back Stage and Night Club Rooftop party rooms. Similar items include the Backstage Pass and the other All Access Passes.


The All-Access Pass was released in the Shirts Rock Catalogs when the Music Jam 2011 started. It was very popular at the party due to it granting access to the Back Stage and Night Club Rooftop. Now, it is a common item although it is not very popular.

Release history

Catalog Party Available from Available until
Shirts Rock Catalog Music Jam 2011 June 16, 2011 July 5, 2011


Names in other languages

Language Name
Portuguese Passe de Acesso Ilimitado
French Le Pass Passe-partout
Spanish Pase ilimitado
German Eintrittspass
Russian Пропуск с полным доступом