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Ye Knight's Quest

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Ye Knight's Quest
Where Beside the Cave
Opened May 8, 2009
May 7, 2010
May 19, 2011
May 16, 2012
Closed May 17, 2009
May 16, 2010
May 31, 2011
May 30, 2012
Mini-Games None
ID ?
Tour Description
See descriptions

The Knight's Quest was a maze for all penguins during the Medieval Parties in 2009-2012. It was a member's-only Party Room maze, that was specifically for the Medieval Party 2009. It is a game where your penguin needs to pass challenges in order to reach the end. It returned at the Medieval Party 2010, 2011 and 2012. The entrance was at the Cave. During your way to the end, you'll get a golden shield or iron shield with staff and a golden helmet or iron helmet. At the end, there was matching knight armor that goes with the other two items. No coins are earned by doing the quest. There are three challenges your penguin needs to pass:

  • The first challenge: your penguin needs to step on all the panels on the ground so that the orbs light up.
  • The second challenge: your penguin needs to hit 50 targets that appear out of holes with snowballs. This is a group activity.
  • The third challenge: your penguin needs to pass through a maze. You have to decide which direction to go. After a while, you´ll enter rooms with hints in them. The directions are: down, left, down, right, right and up. If you completed the Knight Quest, the gates will be open for you. When you re-enter, and arrows point the way to go in the maze. If the player got lost in the maze over three times, the hint would actually be the exact directions.

Tour Guide Descriptions

Cave: Ye be now in the cave. Here, ye find the start of Ye Knight's Quest. Only the bravest should enter the gates! Please keep off the treasure.

1st Quest Room: Welcome Questers! Thine challenge room awaits. Light the orbs to unlock yonder door!

2nd Quest Room: Hither be the second challenge room! Hit the targets to further thine's quest!

Inside the Maze: Hear ye, hear ye! Ye be in the maze. They say it goes on forever! If ye be lost, then follow thine clues. Or ask for help.

Lost Maze Room: Ye be lost in the maze. Verily try ye a different way!

Final Quest Room (end): Congratulations brave Quester! Ye hath foudeth the end of the maze. Behold ye great treasure!


  • It is similar to the Great Snow Maze.
  • It's the only Ye Knight's Quest that doesn't feature a dragon.





See also