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Lance Priebe

Full Name Lance Priebe
Position Moderator
Worked at Club Penguin October 24, 2005—October 2010
Penguin rsnail
Nickname1 (test account)
Swampy (test account)
I left Club Penguin and the Walt Disney Company to spend more time with my family, and work on new projects. I had worked on Penguin Chat and Club Penguin for 10 years. It was time for something new. After I finished training the team at Club Penguin (2007-2009) there was nothing else for me to do. It was time to start something new. I actually spent last summer helping a friend farm. Farming is awesome.
— Rsnail, March 2011.[1]

Lance Priebe is a well-known former moderator on Club Penguin. Along with Lane Merrifield, he is the founder of Club Penguin. Lance is also the founder of Rocketsnail Games, which consisted of games that he created with the help of the Rocketsnail Games team. Sadly, the website was shut down due to lack of funds, but later came back as a "micro-blog". He has a Twitter account available here, and a Flickr page available here. The most popular game of his site was Penguin Chat 3, which was what Club Penguin was based on. The Rocketsnail Games logo is, unsurprisingly, a snail strapped to a rocket. Lance used to post frequently on the Club Penguin blog during the Beta Testing days, but Lane now, with rsnail gone, does the majority of the posts. When he was there, he used to post occasionally. Gary the Gadget Guy has a model of the Rocketsnail Games logo in his room. This logo/model has appeared in Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force and Mission #4. He was the only player known to have a lowercase letter at the start of his name. Everyone else who had a lowercase letter at the start of their name had it automatically changed to an uppercase one after Club Penguin was updated. Lance had two test penguins called "Nickname1" and "Swampy". His penguin's name, rsnail, is a contraction of Rocketsnail.

As of October 2010, he no longer works for Club Penguin.[2]


  • In Elite Penguin Force Mission 8, Jet Pack Guy says, "Flit here can fly faster than a snail tied to a rocket, or a penguin on a jet pack." This makes a reference to rsnail, which is an abbreviation of Rocketsnail.
  • rsnail's penguin name still has a lower-case R. Unlike all the others, his name was not converted to a capital after one of Club Penguin's updates.
  • rsnail's test penguin "Nickname1" holds the status of banned forever, even though it is not always banned. This is because all moderators unban their penguins before logging in, then reban them after logging off. This is to prevent penguins from getting in.
  • His test penguin on Penguin Chat 3 was "Testsnail".
  • His test penguin Nickname1, had the Ninja Mask in 2005 when only 2 penguins had the item. [citation needed]
  • He is currently working on a new game called Mech Mice.[3]
  • He started animating penguins in 1999.


External links
