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Puffle Soaker

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Puffle Soaker

Puffle Soaker gameplay.
Players 1
Minigame Location Bonus Games Room (2008-2012)
Pirate Park (2014-2015)
Igloo (2014, if the player has the Puffle Soaker Booth)
Date released September 2007
September 2008
September 2009
September 2010
September 2011
September 2012
February 2014
May 2015
Stamps awarded Yes (1)

Puffle Soaker is a game that has so far only appeared in The Fair. It was located at the Pirate Park during The Fair 2014 and 2015 and was located at the Bonus Game Room between Fall Fair 2008 and The Fair 2012. It was back on September 21, 2011 for The Fair 2011, on September 19, 2012 for The Fair 2012, on February 19, 2014 for The Fair 2014 and on May 20, 2015 for The Fair 2015. Members could buy the game booth and play in their own igloo only during The Fair 2014.


The objective of the game is to soak the panels with pictures of puffles on them, if you hit a penguin like Aunt Arctic or Rockhopper, you would lose points. You also have to dodge food, like a pizza or a bean bag.


Names in other languages

Language Name
Portuguese Encharca o Puffle
French Splash Les Puffles
Spanish Empapa-Puffles
German Nasser Puffle
Russian Пафл-бой

See also


  • If you go left right left right, really fast, you can see your penguin green as a split second.