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Ideas:Newspaper Section

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Ideas for new Sections of The Penguin Times!


  • Section of interview between Aunt Arctic and famous character not to do with CP (e.g. Mickey Mouse)
  • Section with contest
  • Section for weekly interviews with famous penguins.
  • Weather Section(by Cutieoftn)
  • Section with ads submitted by penguins.
  • Section that tells what the next CP party is going to be.
  • Section that tells about a war's progress.
  • Sports section.
  • Section that takes ideas.
  • Section that tells the latest toys.
  • Rockhoppers Notice board(Not In Ship when He is at sea)Example:Arr i be coming to Club Penguin next week.
  • A Section that includes special themes that are gonna happen Example:There's gonna be a new Club Penguin air force game created by yor8 which is me and you'll get one million dollars a month and there's a donation form one coins for change where you can print the form and donate real money to charity.
  • The Club Penguin Wiki will show a random page.
  • Section called "All about us",where a selected penguin speaks about itself.
  • Sports
  • Section which you can donate coins, and a section where there is info about puffles.
  • Selection where each famous penguin (Rockhopper,Aunt Arctic,Rookie,Sensei,Gary, and Cadence talk about there favorite places to eat such as the Coffee Shop and what they like to order and why they would recommend it.
  • Section where you can tear apart the newspaper.
  • Everything from the old newspaper, duh. :P