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Club Penguin Wiki:Party Ratings/2014/Prehistoric Party

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Prehistoric Party
Average Rating: 4.6 (Excellent)
Total Reviews: 14
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You are on the reviews page for the Prehistoric Party 2014. Review submissions for this event are now closed.

Great By Agent Isai 2

With this party comes great updates like, Puffle backyard, New Puffles, Adopt up to 40 Puffles etc.

Possibly the best CP party of 2013 to 2014 era By Penstubal

AMAZING! Now let me show you what is amazing:


  • Yay new amazing items! And finally something to do to actually get them!
  • Some of the transformations are free for non-members :o
  • No more puke :P
  • Alot of stuff to do
  • Nice decorations (although some were used last year)


  • Already used decorations
  • There is that daily calender thing again e_e

Nevertheless, this party is AMAZING! Nice job done, CP!

Really Good Party By Enricc1

I know its the first day but knowing the next updates will beonly be dino puffles and new items i say the review Today. Is a really cool party even i see it had a lot of things for members i love this party party rooms new and old,puffles things of the Puffle Hotel too is a very cool party the only con is the Backgraund of Gary is the same as last year,good items and stuff how have to be i give 5 Stars to this party

Brilliant Party! By XxrubyxX

Brilliant party for members! Thank goodness there's no puke this year! Yeeeach!!! Cons: Poor non-members! :(

Best Party so far By Benjamern531

i should say it was a excellent party and was very well planned out, great job cp. mainly the dina puffles were awesome and this time non-members could transform into raptors. also everyone could get all the free items! that's pretty cool. So i conclude with saying this is the best party ever.

By Cpfan1616

as a cp fan i especially enjoy this party, there are transformations and they can be really cool. Pros: transformations are awesome, there are new places to explore. and more! Cons: well i only have one problem and that is slowdown. rating 5/5

Good Party By JucaSLP

The decorations are great, there are a lot of free items and the party came with new features like the igloo's backyard. Members are able to adopt Dino Puffles and transform into dinosaurs, wich is pretty enjoyable. A really nice event, surely one of the best from the last years.

Awesome Party By benjamern531


  • new dinosaur
  • dino puffles
  • transformation for non-members
  • gary
  • forest and ski hill renovated because of the changes to pre-history.


  • none.

FINALLY A great start for the year! By Brookelas

Okay... all I gotta say is MAJOR improvements from last year. I am actually EXTREMELY impressed. I think CP may finally have a great year in 2014! (Let's hope :P)

  • Decorations - 5/5 - Technically I should give this place a 0, as CP isn't decorated (if you all read my Star Wars review)... well that's not the case this time. I feel like Club Penguin did a GREAT job of redoing Prehistoric CP, that I actually feel like I am in Club Penguin.
  • Storyline - 5/5 - Yay we finally know who Garugg the Ugg Ugg is, and he is part of the storyline. I think its cool that he wrote in the sand, and it came up in real Club Penguin, and how the story interacted with 2014 CP.
  • Party Rooms - 5/5 - Yes.
  • Transformations and Party Games - 5/5 - Okay, I know I say this at every party, but the games and transformations are EPIC! I am not just saying that either, plus, the reason I give it a 5/5 is because CP took out that awful puke. I decided I will give this section an automatic 5/5 IF they took out the puke before the party started.
  • Music - 5/5 - Yes.
  • Free Items and Catalogs - 3/5 - I love all the free items, but there is no party catalog. So for that reason, this category gets a 3.
  • Quest - 4/5 - This quest is kinda cool with the Dino Puffles and all. Not 100% perfect, but it is worthy of a 4.
  • Other (More Minor) Details - 5/5 - I like the Prehistoric Pizza Parlor, and all the Dino Puffles 'stations' around Prehistoric CP. Plus with Gary coming, and SIX party emotes (some are even animated), this party has a lot to do.

Yeah, for what was one of my two least favourite parties last year, this CERTAINLY was an improvement. Maybe, just maybe, we will have a great 2014 in CP, with nothing too awful!

Roarsome! By Leader of CP Parties!

This party was simply amazing! Shall I break it down? Pros +Time travel is awesome +Transforming into dinosaurs is back? Brilliant! +Two new dinosaurs? Amazing! +Finally seeing what Garugg the Ugg Ugg looks like! +Dino puffles! +Brand new rooms including the Prehistoric Volcano!

Cons -Barfing got removed? Really? Where do dinosaurs find snow in a prehistoric jungle? -I wish we could get more dino puffles. -Megalodon now moves it's mouth every 2 minutes, rather than every time that a dino roars. -They removed the dinosaur coming by at the "Yuck Swamp" every 15 minutes! -Still no landing/taking off animation when entering the Time Trekker, like the Millennium Falcon in the Star Wars Takeover 2013. -Items For Everyone stand is replaced by a gate to the `Digloos`. -No new Gary background? We oculd have gotten one showing us in prehistoric times!

Nonetheless, I love this party and it gives me high hopes for the rest of the year! Bring on 2014!

Pretty Good By LordMaster96

Overall I think the party definitely improved from last year. However I feel the storyline of the party (whoever Gary's prehistoric ancestor is) and the introduction of the dino puffle is a little too extreme. It's just weird how they're making hybrids of puffles now that they're probably out of ideas for solid colours. 10+ types of puffles seems enough for anyone. Who knows what's next? Gary must be a mad scientist!

Better then the 2013 version By Gatuti789
  • Pros:
  1. Dino Puffles are amazing.
  2. The rooms are great!
  3. New Dinosaurs to transform!
  4. Cool free items!
  5. Darwin :3
  • Cons:
  1. I like dinopuffles but there are a lot of new puffles since March. :/
  2. There isn't a party catalog
  3. Gary is still crazy

Solid Party By Perapin

Overall a rating of 6.8 out of 10. The slight new time period was well praised and the Fancy Plaza room, which had a neat primeval drive-thru area. There was an improvement from last year which was praised. Although Dino Dig was quite dull. The Prehistoric Party 2014 could have had potential for a higher rating if there was more excitement.

A great start to the year! By Dalmation564

Thank you Club Penguin! We finally had a good party. Lat's get into the pros and cons (as always) Pros:

  • Darwin!
  • Dino Puffles!
  • Awesome Rooms!
  • 40 Puflles!
  • Backyard!
  • Dino Transformation
  • Forest and Ski Hill Renovated. AWESOME!


  • Dino Dig is kinda boring.
  • Poor Non-Members.
  • NO! Not the daily calendar thing!
  • Some same decorations.