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Club Penguin Wiki:Copyright

From the Club Penguin Wiki, the free, editable encyclopedia about Club Penguin
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The content of the Club Penguin Wiki is under a copyleft license - the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported. (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)

The following is NOT a legal agreement and has no legal meaning or significance and its only purpose is to try to simplify and explain what our license means in simple English. Our full license can be found here.

Your rights for distribution and modification

Adapted from the CC website

To distribute and/or copy wiki content, you have

  • The right to share: You have the right to share, transmit, copy, distribute the work. (e.g: copy parts into your blog for context)
  • The right to remix: You have the right to adapt and/or change the content. (e.g: cut out irrelevant parts for a quotation, rephrasing if necessary)

However, you must obey these restrictions to be legally allowed to do this:

  • Attribution: You must credit us. A link to the original page and stating the name of our wiki would be sufficient for attribution.
  • Non-commercial: You cannot use this work commercially to profit off of it.
  • Share alike: You must continue using the same license as we use with the content. The license will only affect the parts distributed/copied from this wiki.

However, these restrictions can be waived with written permission from CPWN Staff. Any public domain elements will continue to be public domain.

This licensing is not important in-wiki, but if you want to copy our content for use outside CPWN, you must follow the above.

Fair use for Club Penguin content

In order to present the content of the wiki in an appropriate context, we use content owned by Disney Online Studios d/b/a Club Penguin. Our usage of content owned by Disney Online Studios is believed to be fair use as it helps provide context for the content of this wiki.


All images, including but not limited to design elements and logos, are not under CC-BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted. They are under whatever the File page description says they are under. If no license is specified on the file page, do not assume it means you are free to use the image, always ask us about licensing first.

  • Images owned by Club Penguin are owned by Disney and Club Penguin, and we believe our use qualifies as fair use.
  • Logos of our wikis, skin design elements created by us, and other original images are usually fully owned by CPWN with all rights reserved and may not be used without our written permission.